If you can’t see or hear, how do you navigate through the world? How do you learn when you can’t read with your eyes or listen to a lecture?
Davis School District educates students with hearing and vison-loss. To understand their world, seventh grade students at Fairfield Jr. High in Kaysville had a sensory deprivation learning experience. Blindfolds, earplugs and headphones were used to remove all light and sound. Students guided one-another through hallways as well as outdoor environments. Reactions to the experience ranged from fun to scary, but participants say their views on those with impairments has changed.
“The vulnerability allows them to have empathy,” CTE Teacher Jenny Elmore said. They're able to act in an emergency situation. I asked all of them in my classes. ‘Now that we've gone through the simulation, if you were to see somebody in a similar environment, how comfortable would you feel to intervene and get them to safety?’ And 100% of them raised their hands.”
Students were encouraged to consider a career working with those who are visually and hearing impaired. For more information, check out Utah Schools for the Deaf and the Blind.